Monday, April 18, 2011

How Will Your Celebrate?

Many of us are entering the final weeks of our Lesley Master's program. As we approach graduation day, how do you plan to celebrate this significant achievement? For those of you that still have a few more courses, what will your plans be? My family and I will be heading up to the Boston area to celebrate my daughter's graduation from the University of New Hampshire. It just so happens that she is graduating the exact day and time that I'm supposed to walk for my graduation ceremony. Obviously, her ceremony will take president. When I return to Atlanta and the school year is over for my day job, I will celebrate with friends and fellow classmates. So,let's here about your party plans!!!


  1. I am very excited to be finished with the VT on Friday. Barbara and I are planning on meeting Saturday to do the extra credit and then we will be finished:o) I am planning to invite friends over for a celebrating once school is out. We need to plan a dinner for all of us to meet and see each other for the last time. Have a safe trip. Kelley

  2. I want us all to get together for dinner and we need to get our cake! I need to email Sue about that and send out emails about a possible meeting date and time. Maybe next week, after this class is finished!

  3. I really wish that we were not so far apart, because I think it would be wonderful if we could all get together and do something fun. But since we cannot, I just want to congratulate everyone and wish you the best of luck.

  4. Faith, Cristina, Sue and myself are actually going to a Vegas show then having dinner at Carluccios (Italian, supposed to be really good but I have not been). I really want to celebrate however with some great martinis at Yardhouse, one of my favorite happy hour places. I am hoping that more of our cohort can go there. And by the way you have been a great team captain.

  5. It must be exciting to graduate the same time as your daughter. After this course is over, I still have one more course to complete for the summer term so I won't be celebrating until the end of June. I know that once I'm done I'll feel so relieved to have more free time.

  6. I am hoping to go out with my entire cohort for drinks. I will also be celebrating by just enjoying my family a little more and completing some scrapbooking projects that have been put on the back burner since I did not have time to work on them! I also may just yell outloud, "I don't have homework to do!!!" periodically throughout the next month or so!!:)

  7. Claire, I'm with you on the yelling part! We are going to Zion Nationl park this weekend, so if you here echoing, that would be me:) Claire, if you want to set up maybe happy hour at Yardhouse, maybe getting together with our cohort might work out. I would love to see everyone before we part. Of course everyone else is invited if you guys want to come out and take a trip to the West Coast!

  8. I have been holding my breath and containing myself because it does not seem real yet. I cannot believe I feel a bit sad the program is ending . . . considering all the complaining I have done! Yesterday, I lopped dead branches from my tree (tenuous connections had actually resulted in new growth from the broken limbs). I raked, cleaned the pond, clipped blooming roses to move their fragrance indoors, and mowed the yard AGAIN . . . it felt fantastic to be outdoors. Jenneigh and Alessa have already planned how to use my free time and that will bring such joy. Thanks to old friends and new, who have experienced many life changes along the way and shared this long, but rewarding journey!

  9. I know you are so excited about your daughter's graduation and yours. My daughter and I are doing the same. She graduates on May 10th from KSU. We need to get together as Sharon suggested. Hopefully Sue is planning something.

  10. I forgot how small our world really is. UNH is only minutes from my house. I live about 10 minutes from UNH. You both must be so excited.
    I am not unfortunately part of the graduating crowd yet. I will finish up with my course work this fall when I will take my last course during Fall term 1. Considering I only began this past fall, I am excited to say that I will have completed my Masters in just over 12 months. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh deserve it!

  11. For the Cobb group, I also emailed Sue. I've not heard anything definite, but suggested dinner and our cake.
