Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Birds Eye View for Nature Lovers!

OK... How cool would it be to watch an actual live feed camera positioned 80 feet up in tree and also pointing down into a bald eagles nest? Well, I'm a real nature lover and was shown this site in school last Thursday. One of our first grade teachers had it up on her active board and was discussing with her students how bird feathers repel rain. They had been watching the live feed for several days and had watched the three baby eaglets peck their way out of their eggs. I have been sneaking peaks of the fascinating footage when ever I get a chance. You will either be in aw or bored to death. However, think of the potential learning opportunities that could evolve as more or these live feeds become available to us via the Internet is incredible. This is yet another area of virtual learning at its best! Click on the link below and find the image of the bald eagle with the red banner in the top left corner. Click on it and enjoy. Oh, and don't forget to turn your volume on and enlarge your screen!


1 comment:

  1. I loved the 'birds eye' view of the Eagle and imagine it was fascinating for the children. I would be sneaking peeks also. Thanks for sharing . . . another ahhhh moment!

    It reminds me of the coverage of 'Pale Male', a red-tailed hawk, who had a nest on a window ledge on Fifth Avenue in New York City in 2004. What a juxtaposition . . . surviving in the megalopolis.
