Thursday, March 17, 2011

What would you do?

Near the end of last year, I came home and saw that my neighbor was re-landscaping his front yard. However, the landscape workers were also removing the ivy from the back corner of my property. I informed the workers that the ivy was on my land and that I had not given them permission to remove it. They said that my next door neighbor had requested that they clean up the area. However, this neighbor had never called me to discuss his "landscape changing" plans or request permission. My reaction was to knock on the neighbors door,but I was told that he had just got out of the hospital after having a kidney removed. Well, they sodded the land and the next day I spoke with the mans wife. She said that they did not like their young boys(that I happen to teach!)playing in the ivy because of snakes. So, they just decided to remove it and that it might have been a good idea to call first. Some of the sod is on my land and some is on theirs. Now that it is spring and the grass is growing, I have noticed that they are mowing all of what they sodded. What are your thoughts about my not so neighborly neighbor? I have included an Animoto video to show slides of my situation.

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  1. I guess the question you need to ask yourself is....did you really like the ivy there? I completely agree that what they did and how they went about it was totally wrong, but if they are maintaining the up keep of the sod, is it really a big deal now? Other than this situation, have they been good neighbors, or have they always been a little hard to get a long with?

  2. At the end of a trying day or a long week, you come home to your sanctuary and I do not believe you want to introduce discord into this haven. It was extremely disrespectful (and also illegal) to not discuss their concerns with you and arrive at a consensus prior to the removal. Fences between neighbors were uncommon when I was growing up and I was perplexed to see so much walled property in L.V. However, there is truth to the adage that "good fences make good neighbors". Could you plant something in the area that would bring you pleasure and ease your mind?

  3. That is a tough situation. What your neighbor did was wrong. However, you have to decide if it is worth a long ugly relationship with your neighbor.I guess I am one who doesn't like confrontation so I would let it slide.Good luck!

  4. This would annoy me as a home owner. On my property, we have a small corner fence that separates our property with our neighbors. When we moved into our house, he asked us about the old fence that needed some work. He asked if we were planning on replacing the fence to a newer, cleaner looking one. He said that he would consider paying for half of the fence. This neighbor is one of those you do not want to have. So needless to say...we still have that old fence up. If he really wants to add a fence to his side of the property, then so be it...he can pay for it. This is such a small detail for me that I am fine with the more aged and rustic fence we currently have.

  5. I have gone the "non" confrontational route. However, I have been advised to send him a certified letter in order to avoid adverse possession in the future. I still wave when they drive by but other than that,I don't have much interaction with them. The ivy did provide some protection from erosion and if the new sod washes away,maybe he can replant and replace my ivy!

  6. I've always tried to keep a good relationship with my neighbors, but sometimes it's tough. If they've never lived in an HOA type subdivision with all of the rules (like when you can put out the garbage cans and what color your mailbox can be) it's even tougher.

    Did YOU end up paying anything out of pocket? Do you like the looks of the grass? We had to plant ivy because grass would not grow in one area of our yard.

  7. No, I didn't pay anything and his lawn service is mowing it every week. 2/3rds of the lawn is on my land and the other 1/3rd is on his. The grass looks good right now. My thoughts are "ethics" before "aesthetics".However, his thoughts are in reverse of mine. Thanks for your comments!
