Monday, March 7, 2011

What role will Virtual Schools play in our future?

As our school budgets shrink, technology use increases, iPad apps evolve and our digital native students learning requirements need to be satisfied, will virtual schools be the answer? Please view the following links to gather some information to support your thoughts:


  1. I have seen seen some of the pro's and con's of virtual schools. I one way to look at it...we are all currently in a Virtual School through Lesley Univeristy. I did have my reservations as to how indepth this was going to be, but since beginning and now working on my 5th and 6th class, I have to say I am very impressed. Yes, I don't have all of the face time that a "normal" student would have, but I do feel as though I have gained so much knowledge thus far, but still feel as though I have made some special bonds with instructors and classmates that live across the country and world. Are virtual schools for! One has to be vested in the program in order to achieve. Even though it is a Virtual School, does not mean it is oging to be no means...they will have to work. Whether they (the student) is comfortable with a classroom that is not face to face will be one of their major deciding factors.

  2. This is certainly an interesting topic, one that deserves some serious considerations. I do feel that virtual schools will eventually become the norm. Unfortunately, with the constant budget cuts, less and less people would like to become teachers, yet we will continue to have an increasing amount of students. I have recently heard about a Kindergarten class using this "virtual" school method. I have very mixed feelings. They don't have a teacher everyday, but only once a week. I think there are still a lot of kinks to work out, since it is a new idea.

  3. What a great topic! I think I just may use it as the debate topic for my Emerging Technologies class. We have done an educational gaming debate for a few years & a change is maybe a good idea.

  4. I agree that this is a good topic for a debate. With everything that is going on with the education system right now with facing more budget cuts, it certainly is a great possibility that we are headed that way. Speaking as a parent, I would still rather choose having a larger class size for my kids, than having virtual learning.

  5. Our school district opened a virtual high school in 2005 for "non-traditional" students. This is the link for information on the site if you would like to take a look:
