Monday, November 23, 2009


I have a concern about my fishbowl. Sometimes it appears full of water and other times it has a vertical white streak on the right side. The fish seem to be happy(no floaters yet!) Can anyone give me an explanation?

Week #5

Last weekends classes were full of information. The chapter presentations were interesting and very creative. I have already checked out Flicker and will use the "hover over" feature with my students when they are learning about artists and their techniques. They will love discovering the information that is hidden with in the image.The websites were also amazing. I have so much more to learn and only scratched the surface with my site. The most frustrating part of the weekend was deciding where to create my WebQuest. Google sites have to be redesigned and Microsoft Word has some technical issues. When I returned home last night and regained some mental strength, I checked out questgarden. Their templates are very easy to use and they assist you through the process. So, my quest in under construction!
Today is about getting ready for my daughters to come home for Thanksgiving!Yea! Let the vacation begin!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week #4

It's so beautiful outside today. I love the fall and can't wait to work out in my yard and rake some leaves. Last night I had some of my cohort buddies over for pizza. It was a gorgeous evening and we all relaxed in front of the fire. Last Wednesday I ventured back to Dodgen to work on my website. The bad new was that I no longer had a first page. Yes, all of that work vanished and I had to start from scratch. The good news if that after a frustrating three hours, I now have a new one. Now, I just have to figure out how to make my table have four cells and how to make each one interlink to each page of my website. I also just "dropped off" my WebQuest worksheet. That was a great way to plan and organize the whole process. I wish I could find better links and hope that there are way to clean up the extra unnecessary information that are on the pages.
I had one of my classes view my blog on Friday. They thought it was real cool! They love the idea of my going back to school and having homework.
Enough for now...the sunshine is calling me!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

week #3

The week went by so incredibly fast! I've been adding to my bookmarking collection. I feel very efficient knowing where everything is now and having it organized. I'm also checking out more WebQuests for final project ideas. The deadline for our planning sheet in next Sunday. I can feel the "stress factor" creeping back again! This afternoon I will be working with my partner to plan the "skit" and worksheet for our chapter. How entertaining can learning how to blog be? On a sad note, I had to say goodbye to my dog "Molly" on Monday after having her in my life for just under sixteen years. Was very difficult week and it also ended with a bang. My good friends daughter backed into my car. So yesterday I was off getting estimates for repairs.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I signed up for Skype yesterday! It took about a half hour to complete the process. I ended up was talking to my daughter in Texas for a hour. The last time I saw her was in February. She was able to show me her new home, dog and best of all her smiling face! My other daughter in New Hampshire will be next!