Saturday, December 19, 2009


Happy Holidays! Yesterday was crazy at school. How much more sugar can the students have? When I finally got through the day, I crawled into bed to ward off my headache and rest before preparing for the party at my home later that night. Happily,everything came together and the evening was a success. I just asked that my fellow cohorts would not mention the details from the newly posted syllabus for our next class. They honored my wishes! I'm thrilled that one of my daughters came home today. Now it truly feels like Christmas. I did look at the syllabus later on and felt the same dread that I did with this class. Lots of terms that I don't understand and a huge work load. However, if I take it in smaller steps, I'm sure I will learn a lot and be that much closer to landing my Technology Jump!

1 comment:

  1. Jill:
    Did you absolutely love your bungy jump?! I jumped at an amusement park in Destin, FL. I had a blast! I think that it is important for us to try something out of our comfort zone every once in a while to keep ourselves engaged in life. My grandson works at the park, and even he would not take the plunge. It was exhilarating.
