Saturday, December 19, 2009


Happy Holidays! Yesterday was crazy at school. How much more sugar can the students have? When I finally got through the day, I crawled into bed to ward off my headache and rest before preparing for the party at my home later that night. Happily,everything came together and the evening was a success. I just asked that my fellow cohorts would not mention the details from the newly posted syllabus for our next class. They honored my wishes! I'm thrilled that one of my daughters came home today. Now it truly feels like Christmas. I did look at the syllabus later on and felt the same dread that I did with this class. Lots of terms that I don't understand and a huge work load. However, if I take it in smaller steps, I'm sure I will learn a lot and be that much closer to landing my Technology Jump!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is the final week of school before the holidays. History is repeating itself as the children are sugared up and anticipating the parties, presents and upcoming vacation. On the other hand, I'm still trying to finish up projects and get their grades figured out for the next report card. At the same time,I'm also finishing up decorating, wrapping packages and maybe sending out a few more cards to faraway friends and family members."Sugared up" also applies to me as I have fresh baked cookies arriving daily from well intended students and parents. The staff room should be renamed the "stuff yourself room" with all the extra baked goods that land their. My belief is that if no one sees you eating it, then the calories don't count!I wish it truly worked that way. This year my wallet,exercise time,free time and pants are all too tight!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Thanksgiving was a whirlwind weekend and went by much too fast.Having both of my daughter's home was the best! Lot's of eating, shopping and driving them places. I showed them my blog,website and the beginning of my WebQuest. They were impressed that their "non-techno Mom" could do all this! I wish that they were around to help with future projects.
They are back to work and school. So am I! I'm in the final weeks of my student's creating their artwork for the art show in February. I always try to have it completed before winter break. There are many displays to change out, staff and retirement parties to plan and grades to figure out. My goal for today is to post my WebQuest and get my Christmas cards sent!So off I go....