Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week #2

This Saturday is very different form last week! I think that I feel less stressed when I'm not under my "self imposed" pressure in the classroom. I will need to find a way to keep my brain from shutting down from the overload. I guess it's like all of the rain we have had this month. My brain is saturated and I'm experiencing a great deal of run off!
Last Sunday, I enjoyed evaluating the WebQuests. The process helped clarify our final project assignment. I've been searching for examples of quests that deal with art education. Most of the ones that I have found were no longer viewable. I'm trying to find ones that are simple enough for my current grade levels(K-5). I've also been brainstorming quest ideas and trying to find sites that match up with my task ideas.
On the other hand, Dreamweaver may be a chalenge. My husband found some tutorials and I will be checking them out later today. Hopefully, I will have time this week to stop by Dodgen to work on it.
Personaly, I have to find the balance between my teaching job, this class and having some down time. I feel a bit disengaged in my classes. For staff development at our school, we are doing a book study on Teach with Your Strengths. One of the concepts that it is discussing is that we need to tap in to what our strengths are. Technology may not be one of mine. However, I can always accuire the knowledge to get better. This is valuable information for me to take in and also pass on to my students. We all have strengths, but do not have to excell in everything.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day #1 in ECOMP 6008

I'm overwhelmed!!! Blogs, delicious bookmarking,Yahoo groups and Social Book marking. My head is swimming! My typing skills are rusty! Thanks to my friends that are more "techno" savy than I and for helping me stay calm! The best part of the day was relaxing with my friends after class and the wonderful dinner my sweet husband made for me when I got home!